Visit to Royal Observatory


On Tuesday, January 28, 2025 I visited the Royal Observatory in Greenwich with my Intro to Computer Science class. This first outing was incredible! The museum is the location of the Prime Meridian and where Time (the first accurate clock) is held. I walked through the museum and learned about how accuracy of time has improved, on land and at sea.

Pictured above is a sun dial, which is
similar to a quadrant because it also uses
the sun to tell time, though it is not as accurate.
Towns and villages used to keep public sun dials
so that locals would be able to know the time.

Pictured above is a quadrant, a tool used to tell time by using distance from a location to the sun and stars. The astronomers who used quadrants to tell time had to complete a series of algorithms using units and degrees. A brief description of the quadrant is pictured below.

Thank you for reading this week!